Tuesday, April 29, 2008

Natural Hair

Natural Hair

Dealing with hair has always been tricky business. Some people have great natural hair, and don’t feel the need to mess with dyes, cuts, or other remedies. If you have great natural hair, hair care is easy and affordable. You might need a good cut every six weeks, and a good shampoo. For the rest of us, our hair doesn’t cooperate, and leaving our natural hair as it is not always an option. When you dye your hair, get a perm, or have it straightened, you still want it to look as much like natural hair as possible.

If you aren’t happy with your natural hair, you can use one of the options above to change your look. Many ladies with straight hair often opt for a perm. These use a chemical to alter the hair. The hair can have any number of different types of curls, and the results can last two to six months, depending on your particular hair. These are often a great way to keep your look updated and easy to manage. When you perm, however, you have to use more care than if you were just wearing your natural hair. You may have to deep condition to keep it looking good.

Another option is hair dye. When dying hair, it is often harder to achieve the look of natural hair. Hair by nature is multi colored. This means that even if you have brown hair, you will find many shades of brown in your tresses. There may be lighter browns, or even reds, present. This is natural, and can sometimes be the result of exposure to the sun. This is the way natural hair looks, and it is hard to get that with a dye. For the best look, have your hair dyed in a salon. They can often get results as close to natural hair color as possible.

Those with curls may wish to have their hair straightened. This can be done on a day by day basic with the help of a blow dryer or a straightening iron, or can be done by chemical, much like a curly perm. To keep hair looking like natural hair, this type of hair needs extra help. Straightening tends to dry out the hair, and curly hair is dry by nature. You should always use a quality shampoo and conditioner, and deep condition at least once a week. This will help keep your hair healthy, and give it the sheen of natural hair.

Natural Hair Care

My mother always told me that just because something is natural doesn't mean that it is good for you. Deadly nightshade, for example, is natural. Hemlock is natural. Many, many different natural things will kill you. Nevertheless, I have still always been prone to buying things with the word “natural” on the packaging. Whether it is natural food, natural cosmetics, our natural hair products, I am a sucker for it all. I guess it is because I am well-meaning. I want to do my part to help the planet, although I am unwilling to give up most of the creature comforts that we all take for granted. I wish I had been a little bit more skeptical about All of the so-called natural health junk. Natural hair care sure did a number on my hair.

You see, I went into a natural hair salon looking for treatment. I was having all kinds of problems. In the first place, I have always had dry hair. No matter what my diet is like, my hair is dry and frizzy and prone to tangling. I had tried many different hair care products, but none of them helped. I thought the natural hair care was probably be my best bet. I didn't want to go into a more conventional hair salon, you see, where they would put harsh chemicals into my hair. I figured that natural haircare would involve gentle herbs that would nourish my hair, treating any problems I had without putting too much stress on it.

In addition to natural hair care for frizzy hair, I needed natural baldness treatment as well. My hair had been slowly but surely thinning for years, and Rogaine had done nothing to help. In short, when I went there into that natural hair care salon, I was looking for a miracle. What I got was more akin to a nightmare. After the natural hair care, my hair was so oily that I couldn't even brush the tangles out! If anything, the rate of balding seemed to increase. Rather than being the gentle treatment that I had expected, the natural hair treatment was actually quite harsh and unpleasant. I know that this isn't the typical experience that people have when they get hair care natural products. If anything, these products tend to be too weak rather than strong enough to be damaging. Even so, it should serve as a warning to people – my mother was right about natural products.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Tips for hair loss problem

By far the most common type of baldness (alopecia) in males is called male-pattern baldness or androgenic (androgenetic) alopecia. When this condition develops, the hair is lost in a well-defined "M" pattern (hence the name.) Women also suffer from androgenic alopecia; in females this condition is known as female-pattern baldness.

Hair loss develops when the level of dihydrotestosterone (DHT) in the scalp is too high. Dihydrotestosterone binds itself to the hair follicles, decreasing the amount of nutrients they can extract from blood. The follicles gradually shrink and the hair growing from them becomes thinner. If nothing is done to treat this condition, the hair disappears completely.

To prevent and treat hair loss, the level of DHT in the body must be decreased. This can be accomplished in different ways. There are prescription drugs designed to inhibit DHT (such as finasteride also known as Propecia.), which block conversion of free testosterone into dihydrotestosterone. Being synthetic substances, prescription drugs for treating hair loss often have serious side effects, such as gynecomastia and even erectile dysfunction.

Saw Palmetto (a palm plant native to North America), on the other hand is a herbal DHT inhibitor. It has similar mechanism of action to finasteride, but it doesn't affect the rest of the organism and thus have no side effects associated with finasteride and other prescription drugs.

Since ancient times, Saw Palmetto has been used by Native Americans to treat urinary disorders in men. It is considered an effective alternative treatment to benign prostate gland enlargement. Only recently it was found out that Saw Palmetto can also treat hair loss! It turned out that it blocks the 5-alpha-reductase enzyme, which is responsible for converting testosterone into DHT, thus preventing and reversing hair loss.

Hair regrowth treatment

On the contrary to what many individuals say or how they act around others, losing the dew can be a serious issue. It affects self-confidence levels and proves to be quite an emotional roller-coaster for men and women. In all truth, I think women have it a bit worse. The softer sex is never expected to lose their follicles. On the contrary, their expected to stay young and vibrant looking forever. Fortunately for both genders there are hair regrowth treatment options. It all depends on how far you're willing to go and how much you're willing to spend. Do you really love your hair?

Some folks will go to extreme lengths to keep that head fuzz. My brother isn't one of them. He was losing his curly black hair toward the end of high school, and it didn't seem to faze him. Not that I actually believe he wasn't down about it, because I'm sure he was crying on the inside. I was frank with him when he recently talked to me about it. I felt that there were three factors at play here. The first one is genetics. He was dealt a bad hand. There is really no way to avoid this. The second factor is stress. He was forced to grow up a bit too quickly. Being the oldest one called for certain responsibilities, which can be overwhelming when you're just a kid. And finally there was his diet. The guy eats poorly. I'm talking no fruits and vegetables and hardly any water. The high-fat pizza and burger diet is never wise. It takes a horrible toll on one's appearance. Now, of course there are hair regrowth treatment options for my brother. However, he is past the point of wanting any. He's grown used to and embraced the baldness. Fortunately it looks good on him. As for yourself, you certainly don't have to take this route. Maybe new-age hair regrowth treatment options like Propecia or Rogaine will work for you. Maybe they're exactly what you need to get back that full dew.

Always see a doctor first. When you first notice that you're losing your hair, consult a professional for hair regrowth treatment options and prevention solutions. It's prudent to act early. This way you have a good chance of preventing any more hair loss. Whatever you do, don't wait until half your scalp is completely bare. Get a grip on your hair loss now.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Proper Hair Conditioning Solutions For Healthy Hair

Like you, I also want to look and feel my best. One of the drawbacks of being human is that we're always self-conscious about our appearances. We can't help it. Call it thousands of years of scrutiny. It always makes me laugh when I hear someone say that so-and-so made a negative remark concerning their hair, body or image, but they don't care. Uh, sure they don't care. This is as false as statements get. We all care. We simply can't help it. If someone tells you that your teeth look bad, it will bother you. You may force it to the back of your mind, but it will still affect you in some way. The only trick with this game is to hide it as best as you can. Act like it doesn't matter, and give the person no satisfaction. Then you can address the issue on your own and see if it really calls for improvement. My daughter, for example, has issues with her hair. She constantly feels that it looks poor. Although I see a head of healthy hair, she sees a dew that's not quite up-to-par.

Our hair certainly calls for attention. It doesn't matter if you're male or female. You still have to treat your dew with respect if you want it to look nice. Healthy hair is not free. Well, at least not totally free. So what goes into keeping our follicles healthy? This is quite amusing considering they're already dead. Anyway, you should follow certain procedures. Vitamins, minerals, and a healthy diet with plenty of water are imperative for healthy hair. It's called treating from the inside. But, that's not the whole spiel. You also have to take proper measures from the exterior as well. This means quality shampoos, conditioners and hair products. It's imperative to properly cleanse and condition your hair to keep it looking healthy and feeling soft. I doubt you want a head of brittle straw.

So, we've determined that healthy hair is not free of charge. Some legitimate effort goes into keeping your dew primed and ready. One thing you'll want to keep in mind is that your hair may thin as you age. This is natural. But, you may want to take precautions in order to retain the healthy hair you currently have. There are products and treatments that help with this. Ask your physician or beautician for advice.

Natural Hair Care And Hair Care Products

My mother always told me that just because something is natural doesn't mean that it is good for you. Deadly nightshade, for example, is natural. Hemlock is natural. Many, many different natural things will kill you. Nevertheless, I have still always been prone to buying things with the word “natural” on the packaging. Whether it is natural food, natural cosmetics, our natural hair products, I am a sucker for it all. I guess it is because I am well-meaning. I want to do my part to help the planet, although I am unwilling to give up most of the creature comforts that we all take for granted. I wish I had been a little bit more skeptical about All of the so-called natural health junk. Natural hair care sure did a number on my hair.

You see, I went into a natural hair salon looking for treatment. I was having all kinds of problems. In the first place, I have always had dry hair. No matter what my diet is like, my hair is dry and frizzy and prone to tangling. I had tried many different hair care products, but none of them helped. I thought the natural hair care was probably be my best bet. I didn't want to go into a more conventional hair salon, you see, where they would put harsh chemicals into my hair. I figured that natural haircare would involve gentle herbs that would nourish my hair, treating any problems I had without putting too much stress on it.

In addition to natural hair care for frizzy hair, I needed natural baldness treatment as well. My hair had been slowly but surely thinning for years, and Rogaine had done nothing to help. In short, when I went there into that natural hair care salon, I was looking for a miracle. What I got was more akin to a nightmare. After the natural hair care, my hair was so oily that I couldn't even brush the tangles out! If anything, the rate of balding seemed to increase. Rather than being the gentle treatment that I had expected, the natural hair treatment was actually quite harsh and unpleasant. I know that this isn't the typical experience that people have when they get hair care natural products. If anything, these products tend to be too weak rather than strong enough to be damaging. Even so, it should serve as a warning to people – my mother was right about natural products.

Thursday, February 21, 2008

Hair Loss Solution And Treatment

Provillus is an excellent all natural solution that is approved by FDA. All the ingredients in thes naturals Treatment are clinically approved tropical remedies that can improve the hair growth by preventing hair loss problems by blocking the DHT (Dehydrotestoterone) that acts as the main reason of baldness in most of the men.

Provillus is available in the market as a combination of liquid and capsule. As it contains no harsh chemicals that ruin your body system or hair, both men and women can use it effectively to treat their problems. It will not bring any side effects including sexual dysfunction that comes with many of the hair care solutions with chemical ingredients and that are now available in the market. The natural ingredients of this medicine will not harm the scalp or skin of the body of the person using it to cure his problem.

The key ingredients include Biotin, Gotu Kola, Magnesium Stearatern Muria Puania Pumpkin extract, Saw Palmetto, Silicon Dioxide, VitaminB6 and Zinc. All these natural ingredients of this product will act as an effective blocker that prevents DHT hormone from entering into the body of men. DHT hormone when it enters into the body of men will cause thinning of hair follicles that may ultimately lead to total baldness in men.

This solution is available for women also. It also does not contain any harsh chemical ingredients to harm the skin and scalp of those who use the product. All natural ingredients for women are proved to be safe to be used as a solution for women.

When it comes to the hair loss problem of women we can see that there exists no specific pattern for baldness in them. When compared to men it does not normally come in the younger age of women. Hair loss in women normally appears when they are getting older. The problem of women is most commonly associated with pregnancy, menopause and thyroid diseases.

The FDA approved tropical ingredients of this product are proved to be very effective to rejuvenate the hair follicles to stimulate hair growth level in women by providing optimal nutrition to women to make their hair grow healthy and fast.

Provillus solution that has been in the market for more than five years is now known as an effective remedy to prevent the problem. No side effect has reported from the users of this medicine yet.

Best Hair Loss Treatment

If you have damaged hair, you are probably always on the lookout for a hair treatment to get your hair in better shape. What you should know is that you can’t really repair hair that is already damaged. You have to get the bad stuff trimmed off and then make sure you take care of the hair that is still healthy. There are a few ways you can do this, and some of them are easier than you may have thought.

The best hair treatment is to make sure you use a good shampoo and conditioner if you experience damage easily. If you don’t have this problem, you can skip the salon stuff, but if you have fragile hair, you should do your hair a favor and baby it a little. Salon shampoos and conditioners are made of higher quality ingredients and have lathering agents that are easier on your hair. You can also find deep conditioning hair treatment in your salon, and these can be great. If you want one of these, go in and ask for a protein treatment. I don’t know if they help in the long term, but they sure leave my hair feeling silky and smooth.

You don’t have to go to a salon to get a good hair treatment though. You can do it at home with a few simple ingredients that are good for your hair. I once used a mix that included an egg, olive oil and a mashed banana. I think there was another ingredient but I can’t remember what it was now. I mixed them together and used it as a hair treatment. I applied it to my hair and wore a warm towel around it for an hour. After that, I rinsed it out. It helped my hair so much. If you want to try this, just remember that it might be hard to get out if you have curly hair. I had to wash my hair a few times to get all of it out. However, it worked so well it was worth it for me.

You can also use a hair treatment like VO5 if you want, and these types of treatments do tend to help. The secret is to follow the instructions and to do it on a regular basis. No matter what type of hair treatment you want to use, just make sure you keep up with it. It will help your hair to remain healthy and will help protect against damage. Just remember there is no way to completely stop damage, and you will still need to get regular trims to keep your hair looking its best.