Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hair regrowth treatment

On the contrary to what many individuals say or how they act around others, losing the dew can be a serious issue. It affects self-confidence levels and proves to be quite an emotional roller-coaster for men and women. In all truth, I think women have it a bit worse. The softer sex is never expected to lose their follicles. On the contrary, their expected to stay young and vibrant looking forever. Fortunately for both genders there are hair regrowth treatment options. It all depends on how far you're willing to go and how much you're willing to spend. Do you really love your hair?

Some folks will go to extreme lengths to keep that head fuzz. My brother isn't one of them. He was losing his curly black hair toward the end of high school, and it didn't seem to faze him. Not that I actually believe he wasn't down about it, because I'm sure he was crying on the inside. I was frank with him when he recently talked to me about it. I felt that there were three factors at play here. The first one is genetics. He was dealt a bad hand. There is really no way to avoid this. The second factor is stress. He was forced to grow up a bit too quickly. Being the oldest one called for certain responsibilities, which can be overwhelming when you're just a kid. And finally there was his diet. The guy eats poorly. I'm talking no fruits and vegetables and hardly any water. The high-fat pizza and burger diet is never wise. It takes a horrible toll on one's appearance. Now, of course there are hair regrowth treatment options for my brother. However, he is past the point of wanting any. He's grown used to and embraced the baldness. Fortunately it looks good on him. As for yourself, you certainly don't have to take this route. Maybe new-age hair regrowth treatment options like Propecia or Rogaine will work for you. Maybe they're exactly what you need to get back that full dew.

Always see a doctor first. When you first notice that you're losing your hair, consult a professional for hair regrowth treatment options and prevention solutions. It's prudent to act early. This way you have a good chance of preventing any more hair loss. Whatever you do, don't wait until half your scalp is completely bare. Get a grip on your hair loss now.